Entry 2 – Shitlist

By HV Smith on January 9, 2013 in Employee Weblog

Apparently Cathy just put Mike on her shitlist. Guess someone is reading this thing! It got me to thinking about my own shitlist. Here’s what I have so far, concequences be darned:

By H.V. Smith

  1. Lucinda and Fred. For making microwave popcorn at 9:20 am EVERY day. It’s just too early.
  2. Woman from cubicle 407-B12. Why are you not friendly? Would it have killed you to just laugh when I said, “Seems like a shame to be faxing on such a nice day?” Your response? “I’m faxing.” Uh… not the point. It’s called compassion, might want to suck a little bit of THAT out of the fax.
  3. Microwave popcorn. Why does it smell like buttered urine during minute 1-2?
  4. Andy Uchlan. Carryover from End of Year Shitlist, 2K4. Give it back Andy!
  5. Yu-gi Oh. What the heck? Seriously.
  6. Hyper dogs. When I’m on the parcourse, I don’t want your pooch jumping on my track suit, cause it means with my allergies I have to bury or burn the pants. And with my weight fluctuation and my car payments, pants are a luxury.
  7. Mike “the laminator is broken, it’ll have to wait a week” Stanton. Screw you. And the laminator you rode in on.
  8. People who describe themselves as “champagne.” What?
  9. Cindy Yu. It’s called teamwork, Cindy. And just because I was not invited to the meeting, doesn’t mean I have nothing to contribute. Remember my memo????

That’s it. Gawd, I have to stop making lists, cause it really gets my BP up. I’m going to go steal some Pringles from marketing’s kitchen.

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HV SmithView all posts by HV Smith